MLS Search
Read below to familiarize yourself with our MLS search panel:
Edit Search – Enter your search criteria by clicking and typing in the search fields. Click or tab to move through the fields.
You may proceed directly to the results without first viewing a match count by clicking on any tab. Otherwise, click the Update Count link at the top or bottom of the search panel to see the number of matches to your current search criteria. When you are satisfied with the number of matches, click View Matches, or the large number in the right panel, or click directly on any tab.
Searching on the Map – To narrow your search on the map, you may define search shapes (rectangles, circles, and polygons) where you would like to look for listings. To remove a search area, locate the shape in the search criteria panel, and click on the blue X next to the shape name.
Search Results – The List Tab displays columns of information about listings. The listings are displayed in an “Infinite Grid.” Once the search results load, you may scroll through the full list of matching listings without having to navigate through separate pages. For example, with a list of 200 listings, you can scroll down and view listings 1 to 200 without having to navigate to a different page. You may also jump to a specific point in the list by typing the number in the selection box at the top of the screen. Adjust the font size for your listing information by clicking on the plus and minus buttons at the upper right corner of the screen, just below the tabs.
Detail Tab – The Detail Tab provides information about a selected listing in greater detail. Links will appear for all materials that are present for the selected listing. Click on the calculator tab to view payment results based on the current listing as well.
Photos – The Photos tab contains all Photos, Virtual Tours, and Videos associated with a listing. The links appear for all items that are present for a listing. On the Photos tab, navigate among listings to quickly scan through the available photos, videos, and virtual tours.
Map Search – The Map Tab of the search results page allows you to view plotted listings on a map and search for additional listings. The Map Tab has various tools to help you view the available information.
Message – The Messages Tab allows you to send messages to the website owner regarding listings. Begin by selecting a message type from the drop-down list. Your selection will determine the fields that are available. For example, if you select Showing Request from the drop-down list, you can make a selection for a requested date and time. Next, enter your contact information (a phone number or e-mail address is required) and compose your message. Click Send Message to finish.